Guest Speaker

We all know that Jai Gray is the ultimate developer, however she is an effective motivational speaker.  Jai Gray has embarked on empowering others with her knowledge, wisdom and expertise.  When her schedule allows, she hosts real estate workshops.  These workshops give personal details on how Jai began her successful journey in commercial and residential real estate. She reveals the genuine business behind real estate investing along with the successes and challenges one may face.  She conveys the truth based on her personal experiences, failures and victories.  An additional component to the workshops are financial planning.  Jai has a wealth of knowledge on how to elevate yourself from humble beginnings to financial achievement, emotional triumphs, and spiritual wellness.

If you are hosting an event and would like to have Jai Gray as a guest speaker, send your information via the Contact Page.  We will check Jai’s schedule and make every effort to accommodate you. 

Thank you for supporting Jai Gray and your interest in this phenomenal and blessed woman.

Jai’s work:
